Offline URL Database 1st January 2025 changelog

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Database change

Domain count and statistics

ID Name Domain count
1 Abortion and pregnancy 96,179
2 Ads 129,365
3 Adult 362,133
4 Adult dating 18,258
5 Alcohol 359,850
6 Astrology 57,841
7 Blogs 3,494,043
8 Books or comics 433,890
9 Business and services 6,146,196
10 CDN 1,103,560
11 Chats 91,953
12 Classifieds 88,850
13 Clothing and fashion 1,006,237
14 Cooking and food 1,718,320
15 Dating 72,812
16 Drugs 76,607
17 Education 1,124,230
18 Empty site 2,283,887
19 Entertainment 678,738
20 Error site can't be accessed 39,566,599
21 DNS error site can't be resolved 34,176,397
22 File hosting 98,847
23 Finance (Banks_Real estate_Insurance) 672,299
24 Gambling 555,734
25 Computer games 528,846
26 General (safe) 8,919
27 Government 131,817
28 Hacking 13,069
29 Hate 21,090
30 Hobbies 340,379
31 Home improvement 675,487
32 Humor 25,800
33 Hunting and fishing 102,387
34 Image and video hosting 74,206
35 Jobs 632,584
36 Kids safe 241
37 Legal 422,588
38 Life style and beauty 705,489
39 Link farm (no real content) 3,769,340
40 Local information 73,900
41 Medical 2,420,319
42 Military 28,919
43 Mixed adult 1,064,758
44 Mobile 235,517
45 Models 51,337
46 Music 1,006,232
47 News 1,305,498
49 Not child safe 17,105
50 Online drugs 26,829
51 Online marketing 576,420
52 Online video or audio 309,506
53 Pets and animals 380,448
54 Phishing 768
55 Politics 307,708
56 Porn 686,665
57 Internet portals 306,863
58 Profanity 28,680
59 Proxy 16,980
60 Religion 510,757
62 Science 319,704
63 Search engines 88,835
64 Sects 11,337
65 Semi nude and pin up 22,573
66 Sex education 63,149
67 Shopping 2,195,453
68 Social networks 428,710
69 Spam or scam 2,910
70 Sports 1,175,632
71 Suicide 303
72 Technology and computers 870,909
73 Site under construction or not available 4,963,287
74 General - not porn 7,606,456
75 URL shortener 9,091
76 Vacation and travel 1,612,174
77 Vehicles 1,251,044
78 Violence 31,301
79 Virus or Spyware 1,735
80 Warez 30,470
81 Weapons 138,432
82 Web hosting 973,540
83 Web mail 124,044
84 Reference 191,323
85 Community and society 251,951
86 Software repository 30,544
87 Philosophy and psychology 251,221
88 History 278,125
89 Nonsense and time waste 74,043
90 Local IP 53
91 Swimsuits and underwear 85,264
92 Arts 691,946
94 Login page 140,635
95 Surveys and polls 36,416
96 Tobacco 52,677
97 ISP 16,364
98 Tracker 1,748,536
99 Bypass protection 4,310
100 Search block 66
101 Image search block 134,537
102 Desktop themes 8,742
103 Depress domain 70,547
104 Depress page 1,997
105 Parenting and family 63,457
106 School cheats 3,589
107 Celebrity gossip 72,334
108 How to 84,851
109 Illegal 2,875
110 Recreation 207,394
111 Bookmarks 1,595
112 Money spam 1,722
113 Directories 3,498
114 Site_Graphic design 390,546
115 Weather 87,603
116 Knowledge 67,868
117 Kids entertainment 20,863
118 Nature 139,131
119 Diet 102,237
120 Eating disorders 4,794
121 Self help 89,578
122 Relationships 20,547
123 Paranormal 33,644
124 Images CDN 3,473
125 Images CDN Unknown 83,714
126 LGBT 17,776
127 Marketing or ads 33,088
128 Magazines 132,777
129 Forums 127,869
130 User generated content 51,803
131 Tele Communications 67,033
132 Gender specific 2,225
134 Crime 40,448
135 Person 54,715
136 Grief 2,231
137 Retirement 46,498
138 Other drugs 59,046
139 Pharmacy 45,554
140 Songs download 14,001
141 Lookup 38,904
142 Movies download 111,164
143 Consumer reviews 17,482
144 API 115,943
145 Legal movies 937
146 Legal songs 1,691
147 Bitcoin 62,526
148 Victim help 4,331
149 Rewards 10,417
150 Photography 348,072
151 Toys 132,011
152 Restaurant 364,324
153 Fitness 251,452
154 Contact sport 116,209
155 Dancing 48,524
156 Software 457,264
157 Programming 268,111
158 Registry cleaner 283
159 Online security 148,422
160 Real estate 703,763
161 Loans 110,347
162 Forex 20,366
163 Banks 226,379
164 Insurance 230,795
165 SEO 74,427
166 PPC 5,783
167 Supplements 43,304
168 URL Classification 477
170 Tatoo 30,144
172 Tactical equipment 9,519
173 Alternative medicine 223,485
174 AI 25,998
175 Comics 18,848
176 Manga 7,904
177 Captcha 1,644,685
178 Racism education 1,273
179 Payment 15,929
180 Brokerage 18,888
181 SAAS 20,938
182 Anime 20,866
183 Cartoon 5,508
184 Grownups 20
185 Stream converter 3,498
186 File converter 4,172
187 TV Personality 765
188 Radio Personality 670
189 Youtube Personality 8,051
190 Prevent crime or violence 5,848
191 Collaboration software 117,841
193 Internet support 2,554
194 Computer support 20,406
195 Home appliance 26,910
196 Disposable mail 493
197 Parked domain 381,116
198 Domain not available 61,712
199 Private site 150,872
200 Earth science 31,412
201 Fringe theory 2,649
202 Conspiracy theory 3,647
203 Alt right 400
204 Alt left 445

Total domains: 146,172,213

Total classified domains: 72,429,217 (Total domains excluding DNS resolve errors and other errors)

Total unique domains: 136,062,811

Total unique classified domains: 62,319,488 (Total unique domains excluding DNS resolve errors and other errors)

TLD Distribution (all domains)

# TLD Domain count
1 com 74,194,418
2 net 6,794,324
3 de 4,585,525
4 org 4,476,863
5 uk 3,667,028
6 ru 2,558,223
7 cn 2,013,599
8 info 1,784,784
9 nl 1,418,405
10 fr 1,236,132
11 pl 1,204,656
12 it 1,152,381
13 jp 1,125,004
14 br 1,086,061
15 tk 923,903
16 ca 747,226
17 top 715,416
18 tw 708,915
19 co 699,041
20 eu 671,306
21 in 657,386
22 ch 586,129
23 biz 565,858
24 us 553,260
25 es 508,105
26 cz 476,044
27 se 437,953
28 be 425,925
29 at 409,334
30 au 396,638
31 io 367,471
32 ga 363,822
33 ir 349,149
34 cf 348,418
35 za 338,330
36 dk 333,315
37 hu 321,341
38 club 308,499
39 me 305,500
40 ml 285,061
41 ua 284,908
42 cc 281,302
43 nz 278,398
44 online 276,436
45 ro 276,164
46 gq 273,022
47 tr 264,871
48 il 254,991
49 home 251,512
50 mx 232,671
51 xyz 231,849
52 ar 226,231
53 gr 222,420
54 live 214,581
55 kr 211,119
56 icu 206,295
57 no 191,250
58 site 187,637
59 shop 182,755
60 vn 179,486
61 pw 176,334
62 loan 174,425
63 fi 174,349
64 tv 159,913
65 cl 153,648
66 sk 150,313
67 id 147,796
68 edu 146,048
69 pro 131,161
70 su 120,806
71 ws 118,975
72 pt 117,151
73 space 115,590
74 ie 109,165
75 vip 92,167
76 lt 83,815
77 nu 80,294
78 app 79,266
79 my 78,011
80 kz 76,306
81 by 71,242
82 asia 70,209
83 buzz 68,995
84 gdn 68,507
85 win 68,278
86 sg 68,161
87 store 67,369
88 website 66,893
89 tech 65,068
90 hk 63,505
91 to 61,292
92 si 61,144
93 bid 60,942
94 fun 60,746
95 hr 58,681
96 life 55,871
97 ee 55,514
98 mobi 55,403
99 rs 55,342
100 All other 7,545,267

TLD Distribution (excluding DNS resolve errors and other errors)

# TLD Domain count
1 com 33,965,662
2 net 3,516,767
3 de 2,914,281
4 org 2,361,387
5 uk 2,338,271
6 ru 1,323,548
7 nl 931,459
8 fr 715,788
9 it 696,843
10 jp 687,391
11 cn 651,918
12 pl 622,630
13 br 568,586
14 ca 489,058
15 ch 408,133
16 info 373,125
17 eu 325,066
18 in 294,690
19 cz 291,890
20 co 287,227
21 es 277,970
22 at 271,897
23 au 268,774
24 be 267,309
25 se 250,914
26 io 232,557
27 dk 215,653
28 hu 208,931
29 za 206,757
30 us 173,720
31 ua 159,257
32 ro 159,024
33 biz 157,653
34 nz 156,355
35 il 155,032
36 tr 143,320
37 gr 141,065
38 no 132,522
39 ir 132,515
40 me 125,507
41 fi 122,330
42 kr 120,171
43 mx 118,169
44 ar 112,960
45 edu 108,049
46 cc 98,854
47 sk 97,523
48 vn 97,208
49 tw 93,278
50 online 80,483
51 pt 77,041
52 cl 76,932
53 top 75,018
54 id 74,379
55 ie 72,231
56 ws 70,365
57 tv 64,572
58 lt 58,253
59 xyz 53,090
60 shop 52,920
61 pro 51,749
62 app 47,230
63 site 46,554
64 my 45,825
65 ph 44,417
66 club 44,165
67 by 41,473
68 si 40,317
69 hr 39,207
70 sg 38,338
71 hk 34,299
72 ee 33,810
73 rs 32,389
74 lv 31,241
75 kz 31,007
76 live 30,195
77 nu 29,676
78 su 27,496
79 bg 27,297
80 xn--p1ai 26,694
81 th 26,416
82 gov 26,281
83 store 25,323
84 blog 23,063
85 dev 22,790
86 ae 22,429
87 cloud 21,388
88 pk 20,308
89 pe 19,730
90 ai 19,072
91 cat 18,854
92 tech 17,825
93 life 17,568
94 space 17,444
95 link 16,932
96 is 16,551
97 lu 15,911
98 mobi 15,443
99 asia 15,097
100 All other 1,873,400